Manned flight No. | 352 |
Manned flight of the China No. | 14 |
Manned flight Shenzhou No. | 14 |
Launch: | Oct 29, 2024 20:27:00 |
Landing: | Apr ??, 2025 ?:?:00 |
Orbits: |
Cosmonaut No. 623
Cosmonaut China No. 24
Woman-astronaut No. 79
Wang Haoze: 1st flight
Cumulative time: 0 d 0 h 0 m 0 s
(0 h 0 m 0 s)
Cai Xuzhe (Commander)
Cosmonaut No. 587
Cosmonaut China No. 14
Cai Xuzhe: 2nd flight
Cumulative time: 182 d 9 h 25 m 0 s
(4377 h 25 m 0 s)
Cosmonaut No. 622
Cosmonaut China No. 23
Song Lingdong: 1st flight
Cumulative time: 0 d 0 h 0 m 0 s
(0 h 0 m 0 s)
Wang Haoze, Cai Xuzhe, Song Lingdong before the launch.
Cai Xuzhe, Song Lingdong, Wang Haoze before the launch.
Song Lingdong, Cai Xuzhe, Wang Haoze before the launch.
The 14th manned flight of China. 14th manned flight of the spaceship Shenzhou. Docking with the Tiangong CSS. The eighth crew of the Chinese space station.