Menschen im Weltraum. Frauen. Humans in space. Women. Человек в космосе. Женщины.

Women Astronauts

The first woman to perform space flight was a Soviet woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova. She made a space flight alone from June 16 to 19, 1963, on the spacecraft Vostok-6. She remains the only woman to make a space flight alone, all other women flew into space as an member of crews.
Valentina Tereshkova
Peggy Whitson
The Soviet woman Svetlana Savitskaya also became the second female cosmonaut. The third female astronaut was the first American female astronaut Sally Raid.
Total for Januar 1, 2025, 79 women flew into space. Of these, 60 are women from the USA, 6 from the USSR/Russia, 1 from Great Britain, 2 from Canada, 2 from Japan, 1 from France, 1 from South Korea, 3 from China, 1 from Italy, 1 from Saudi Arabia and 1 from Belarus. Helen Sharman from the Great Britain, Yi So-yeon from South Korea and Marina Vasilevskaya from Belarus are first cosmonauts their countries. The first woman to carry out two space flights was the Soviet woman-cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya. The first woman to do three, four and five space missions, became an American woman astronaut Shannon Lucid. On Juny 1, 2023, six American women astronauts carried out five space missions each.
The most long space flight was made by an American woman astronaut Christina Koch: 328 d 13 h 58 m (7885 ч 58 м). The second for a long space flight made Peggy Whitson: 289 d 5 h 1 m 30 s (6941 h 1 m 30 s). The third for a long space flight made American female astronaut Jessica Meir: 204 d 15 h 19 m 1 s (4919 h 19 m 1 s). This flight of Cristoforetti is the longest space flight among astronauts not from the USSR/Russia and not from the USA.
The largest total space flight time has Peggy Whitson, which made four space flights: 675 d 3 h 50 m 8 s (16203 h 50 m 8 s). Peggy Whitson’s cumulative time is also the largest among of all American astronauts.
The first woman to do the EVA was the Soviet woman astronaut Svetlana Savitskaya. On July 25, 1984, Savitskaya entered in the open space from the Salyut-7 station. The first American woman to do the EVA was Kathryn Sullivan - on October 11, 1984, she left Space Shuttle Challenger STS-41G. In total, 22 women went into outer space. The largest number of exits was made by Peggy Whitson - 10 exits with a total duration 60 h 21 m 0 s.

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A group of first American women astronauts. Rhea Seddon (first flight - Discovery STS-51D), Kathryn Sullivan (Challenger STS-41G), Judith Resnik (Discovery STS-41D), Sally Ride ( Challenger STS-7), Anna Fisher (Discovery STS-51A), Shannon Lucid (Discovery STS-51G).


Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger, Naoko Yamazaki, Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Stephanie Wilson inside the ISS.


Yelena Serova and Samantha Cristoforetti inside the ISS.


Mae Jamison on board the shuttle Endeavour.


Svetlana Savitskaya.


Kayla Barron, Jessica Watkins, Samantha Cristoforetti inside the ISS.


Jasmin Moghbeli, Loral O'Hara inside the ISS.


Jeanette Epps, Tracy Caldwell Dyson, Loral O'Hara, Marina Vasilevskaya inside the ISS

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Photos: NASA, Роскосмос, GCTC, ТАСС, РИАН, РКК Энергия